
Audible for Fish? 10 rare or beautiful fish that would have made this gag better

In case you missed it, yesterday was April Fool’s Day and there were many corporations and tech companies sharing some serious groaners with a few funny ones in the mix. The one that caught our attention was Audible’s attempt at…

Synchiropus sycorax Is The New Official Name of the Ruby Red Dragonet

Synchiropus sycorax is the newest species of dragonet to get an official name, brought to you by Yi-Kai Tea, better known as Lemon in the Reef World, and his advisor Dr. Anthony Gill. The Ruby Red Dragonet, which the aquarium…

Captive Bred Mandarin Goby from Biota Aquariums

The mandarin goby is one of the most popular marine aquarium fish, unfortunately it is not the easiest fish to keep, and definitely not recommended for beginners. One way to make the iconic dragonet more accessible is to offer them…

Ruby Red Dragonet successfully captive bred by ORA

The Ruby Red Dragonet is one of the newcomers to the aquarium world and yet, ORA has already managed to successfully breed this species. Building on their previous success with other species of dragonets and scooter blennies, Oceans Reefs &…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: The scarlet Synchiropus

Synchiropus is an immaculate genus famed for the unorthodox juxtaposition between cute and freaky. With frog like faces, huge bulging eyes and pursed lips, coupled with their undulating fin movements, they make for a highly peculiar animal. In the aquarium context, few species illicit…

Silent Sunday: Enjoy these photos by Vincent Chalias

有时候我们喜欢长租ent heavy post, other days we seek comfort in those filled with whimsy. But not today. Today we speak not, and live vicariously through these incredible underwater photos by Vincent Chalias.

The elusive and illusory Synchiropus circularis shows up at Bali Aquarium

Synchiropus is an immaculate genus famed for the unorthodox juxtaposition between cute and freaky. Their martian like faces with huge bulging eyes and pursed lips coupled with their undulating fin movements make for a highly peculiar animal. In the aquarium context,…

It looks as though Synchiropus circularis and S. splendidus are intentionally hybridising in the wild

The mandarins and scooters in the genus Synchiropus are among some of the most endearing and staple favourites in the aquarium hobby. Mandarins are especially colourful, and their crawling like behaviour coupled with their unorthodox appearance makes for some of…

成人人工繁殖普通话小龙,饲养的Karen Brittain - image courtesy Pacific Island Aquatics
Captive Bred Mandarins Return…But Only for a Moment

After Scott Fellman’s well-written rant surrounding the explanation and loss of ORA Mandarin Dragonet production, the collective breeding world pretty much wrote off seeing captive-bred Synchiropus spp. for the foreseeable future. I echoed Fellman’s sentiments recently in my own story…

Synchiropus circularis is the first gem of a reef fish pulled up by CAS in the Philippines

Synchiropus circularis is one of those “book fish” that we have admired in pictures and from a distance, never really expecting any fresh specimens to be documented by our colleagues. The circled dragonet is so rare, it doesn’t really have…