

珊瑚Wear Clothing is a new brand of flashy marine themed apparel that caught our eye at Aquatic Experience Chicago. CoralWear draws inspiration from marine fish and corals for their unique line of hats, t-shirts and socks which are now available online. CoralWear…

Waterlust and Coral Morphologic Cosmic Coral leggings are here

Waterlust and Coral Morphologic have teamed up to bring us this super rad ‘Cosmic Coral’ zoanthid print legging made from recycled post-consumer plastic bottles. The Cosmic Coral leggings feature a Coral Morphologic zoanthid print and are now available to purchase from the…

Reef fish caricature collar pins are the perfect accessories for your geeky fish nerd apparel

Dying to own a pair of Haemulon squamipinna Havaianas slippers? Are Yellow Tang fanny packs or assorted fish wholesaler collectible T-shirts gracing your closet? Want to secretly wear your LiveAquaria T-shirt while travelling but with fear of people judging? Listen,…

Instant Ocean want you to design its next T-shirt

At one point or another, we’ve looked at a T-shirt design for a product and thought, “Hey I coulda done it better!” Well now is your chance as Instant Ocean is crowdsourcing its next T-shirt design and if they select…

At MACNA? Stop by Unique Corals booth to get a Free Reef Builders T-Shirt

In Dallas, the annual MACNA conference has just started. And as such, we’re giving away T-Shirts away for those that want them. We have given a ton of them away already and we have several more cases that we are…

T Shirt Summer Sale This Weekend

We’re having a summer t shirt sale to make room for new T Shirt designs that will be coming soon. Use code SUMMER for $10 off your order. Free shipping anywhere in the United States. For our international fans, yes…

Aquarium T-Shirts from Reef Builders


Reefer Tees pitching for Reef Builders love — message heard

We couldn’t help but tease upstart t-shirt vendor Reef Tees after their plea via a blog post to get some coverage on Reef Builders via a blog post (see yesterday’s t-shirt inspired post) but we figured we’d give this guy…

Fish Brains offers reefing t-shirts with snazzy designs

Fish Brains, a new start up offering reefing based t-shirts are sure to please the reef addiction in you. These premium t-shirts are printed with a range of graphic designs and great for group meet ups, club events and just…