
Yellow Koi Scopas Tang is a Filipino Banana Split

Zebrasoma scopas is a widespread but highly variable surgeonfish species, with unusual color aberrations that are prized by the reefkeeping world. The Indian and Pacific Oceans have produced many freaks over the years from as far apart as Kenya to…

Gato Island Dive Site, Should Be Called Corallimorph Mushroom Mountain!

Gato Island Corallimorph Mushroom Mountain If you’ve ever been scuba diving around Malapascua, chances are you went to the Gato Island dive site. This small rock island offers a spectacular swim through but very few guides, dive shops or reviews…


Thresher Shark Diving Malapascua Last month we hopped on a flight from Bali over to the Philippines for thresher shark diving Malapascua island. This tiny island off the northern coast of Cebu is home to one of the most elusive…

Muricella: Pygmy Kingdom !

Following our series on coral host to famous critter subject, here is another important one, that everybody has high on their list of Holy Grail ! The host of the King of all critters, the Pygmy Seahorse, Hippocampus bargibanti. This…

Neat Scribbled Watanabei Angelfish Brought up by RVS Fishworld

Genicanthus swallowtail angelfish are among the most uniform and consistent looking members of the angelfish family. This makes it all that more exciting when an unusual specimen turns up, such as this scribbled watanabei angelfish from RVS Fishworld. This male…

Gorgeous Aberrant Dottybacks Collected in Philippines

Pictichromis dottybacks are a staple of the marine aquarium hobby, with strawberry and diadema dottybacks being a common and hardy fish well suited for beginner reef tanks. Since these fish are so abundant and often seen in tanks and stores,…



Cherry Fairy Wrasse是菲律宾的令人兴奋的新Cirrhilabrus


Widebar Clarki Clownfish Collected in the Philippines

Some common aquarium clownfish species have bars or stripes that can be a little thinner or a little wider than usual. But none of them can compare to this wild caught Clarki clownfish which was recently discovered sporting exceptionally wide bars.…

Xanthic undulated triggerfish makes annual appearance from Philippines

The xanthic undulated triggerfish is a mystery among aberrant reef fish, but thankfully we don’t usually have to wait too long in between freshly caught specimens. At a rate of roughly one xanthic Balistapus undulatus every twelve months or se,…