
Some Refreshingly Exotic LPS Corals From Pacific East Aquaculture

At any given time in the marine aquarium hobby, the community’s attention tends to focus one a particular group of corals, hyping up their demand and balooning their prices. This phenomenon is a double edged sword in that right now,…

Top 10 Bicolored corals and invertebrates

Invertebrates and corals in particular, are fascinating to us higher primates (humans) particularly because they seem so alien from us. Everything about them from the way they live, the way they develop, and even the way they die (or partially die)…

Rainbow Australomussa from the Solomon Islands has almost magic color

I returned from a coral collecting and scouting trip to the Solomon Islands less than a week ago and all this time, I’ve been anxious to see how the corals collected would fare on the extra long, 48 hour flight from…

Kiss Australomussa goodbye, say hello to Parascolymia rowleyensis

Australomussa’s place on the LPS branch of the coral tree of life has always been a little bit murky – today we learn a little bit more about where it belongs, and who its friends are. Parascolymia rowleyensis is the new…

Bleeding Apple Australomussa is the Mother of all ‘Mussas

Holy Wow, mother of all that is Reef and Holy would you take a look at this Australomussa rowleyensis, the Mother of all Mussas. We’ve long been a fan of Australomussa, especially since they began being collected from Timor Indonesia. The…

Two-face Australomussa has all the earmarks of a coral Chimera

The Two-face Australomussa pictured here from Reefkoi shows a remarkable pattern of color distribution so striking that it deserved to be called something special. We’ve all seen a fair amount of weird color mixing in various LPS corals, with chalice…

From the Archives: Australomussa colonies from Timor Indonesia put this coral on the map

这个故事最初是阿宝sted June 2010 and since then the reef aquarium hobby has enjoyed a steady supply of these unique beautiful corals. We know more than a few of you have picked some up for your own reef…

Reef Builders top ten livestock picks of 2010

2010 has been a great year for marine aquarium livestock, with many new corals and rare fish appearing in the marine and reef aquarium hobby. It was hard to make a decision, there was a lot to pick from this…

Australomussa rowleyensis colonies from Timor Indonesia put this coral on the map

Australomussa rowleyensis is not quite a chalice coral, not quite an LPS and although it once was just an unusual curiosity that was sometime spotted in shipments from Indo and Australia, this amazing crop of Australomussa from Timor Indonesia is…