

Pitcairn Island is one of the most pristine and remote marine environments and while it may be the namesake of Genicanthus spinus, thankfully this fish has been found somewhere a little more accessible. The single Pitcairn Angelfish specimen was collected…

由Biota Palau育种

It’s no secret that we absolutely adore marine angelfish so it’s with great pleasure that we discovered that Biota Palau was adding one more species to the captive bred mix. The common blackspot swallowtail angelfish, Genicanthus melanospilos, is a widespread species…

Genicanthus spinus: First Video of this Rare Angelfish from the Cook Islands

Genicanthus spinus is a species of angelfish so rare that it’s literally one of the few Pomacanthids that we’d never written about, until today. We’ve covered so many rare species of angels like the blackspot pygmy angel, the Abei angelfish, the black…

Face to Face With The One And Only Scribbled Watanabe Angelfish

The scribbled Watanabe angelfish, collected by RVS Fishworld in the Northern Philippines, has made its way to the U.S. Last week while in the Los Angeles area for the last ReefAPalooza of the year, we had the chance to swing by…

Neat Scribbled Watanabei Angelfish Brought up by RVS Fishworld

Genicanthus swallowtail angelfish are among the most uniform and consistent looking members of the angelfish family. This makes it all that more exciting when an unusual specimen turns up, such as this scribbled watanabei angelfish from RVS Fishworld. This male…

Aberrant ‘Superfemale’ Bellus angelfish

Genicanthus bellus is one of the prettiest species of swallowtail angelfish, and their small adult size also makes them the most suited to aquarium life. Like all Genicanthus, G. bellus has very strong sexual color differences and some would argue that the…


When I first fell in love with the whole diverse family of angelfishes, Genicanthus caudovittatus was known as the ‘Red Sea Zebra’ angelfish, because back then, this species was only known to occur in the Red Sea and surrounding waters. Then in…

Bellissima bellus: The biology and hybridization of Genicanthus bellus


Awesome Fish Spotlight: Steinhart’s studly Genicanthus lamarck

Like the insanely beautiful traffic cone coloured male Genicanthus semifasciatus in the Dallas Aquarium, Steinhart in the California Academy of Science has its own studly Genicanthus to boast. G. lamarck is a common species with a rather large distribution in…

Opulent Osaka Part 4: A BlueHarbor tribute, and the man behind the brand

We’ve come to our last and final installation of our four part Osaka travelogue. If you’ve been following parts 1, 2 and 3, we hope you’ve enjoyed it, and thank you for exploring some of Osaka’s most opulent reef keepers…