

今年早些时候,我们有机会参观了印度尼西亚西巴布亚省的Raja Ampat。我们对珊瑚和丰富的鱼类的多样性感到惊讶。本周,美国非营利性保护国际国际公司(American Non -Profit Sonservation International)从西巴布亚的鸟类头半岛(Bird's Head Peninsula)上映了一部虚拟现实电影。

四月写了关于Virtual Reality Scuba Diving水下胶片咔嗒声效果,我从那时起就被我迷住了。鸟的头VR潜水很像是第一次沉浸式体验,并使用了相同的VRSE。工作平台。您可以找到视频HERE
鸟的头提供食物、住所和生活to 760,000 West Papuans. West Papua is located in the eastern region of Indonesia. Valen’s Reef is one of the films being screened at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity and it is released in partnership with YouTube.“Valen’s Reef” is more than just a film showcasing the marine treasures of Bird’s Head. It also tells the story of how a marine habitat threatened by destructive fishing was revived by a joint effort of community groups and conservationists. The film is narrated by a local fisher who dedicates his advocacy to protect the seas to his son, Valen.

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