Monotypic no more – Two possible new Navigobius species

Navigobius dewa is a beautiful and sensational species of Ptereleotrine dart fish that was first discovered and described in 2009, with specimens coming from Kagoshima Bay, in the south of Japan. The distinct features of Ptereleotrine fish is seen in its slender body…

Navigobius dartfish discovered in the Philippines!

Pictured above is an incredible sample of Navigobius found in the Philippines which extends the range of this eye-popping genus by more than a thousand miles. The Navigobius genus was just created less than five years ago to describe the first and only…

Navigobius dewa is the undisputed queen of dart fishes

The pseudo-legendary Navigobius dewa weaved its way into the hearts of rare fish lovers alike back in 2009 when it was described, with its scintillating, almost alien-techno-raver-laser pink and purple coloration. Since then, very few pieces have entered the trade,…

Navigobius dewa, a new firefish genus and species

Navigobius dewa is a sensational new species and genus of dartfish with some very firefish-like qualities. Described in 2009 from specimen collected in Kagoshima Bay, Japan, Navigobius dewa is so unique that it was placed into a genus all it’s…