Two New Blue Eyed Gobies from Papua New Guinea

巴布亚新几内亚再次成为发现新礁鱼的地点,这次是两种新的微型圆锥形鱼类。Trimma Blematium和T. meityae是来自这个非常众多的属的两个新描述的物种,它们都非常……

Cryptocentrus nanus from Fiji is the first Nano Watchman Goby

Cryptocentrus nanus is a new species of watchman goby recently described from Fiji. Clocking in at a whopping two inches long when full grown, the nano watchman goby is the smallest species of what we tend to think of when…

The Unique Eyes of Incredibly Diverse Eviota Gobies

Live eye-color patterns of various species of Eviota: 1) E. algida (M.V. Erdmann); 2) E. tetha (M.V. Erdmann); 3) E. teresae (R. Whitworth); 4) E. bilunula (R. Whitworth); 5) E. cometa (R. Whitworth); 6) E. fallax (G.R. Allen); 7) E.…

这些新的Grallenia Micro Gobies非常可爱!

Grallenia is a genus of miniature gobies that you may not have heard of before. But with the recent addition of five new species to this group you will want to remember them in case you ever run into them at…

Sueviota pyrios, Another New Goby Species From The Red Sea

Sueviota pyrios是要描述的另一种新物种,也是红海的最新物种。奇怪地描述了鲜红色的鱼,从…aqaba湾收集的单个标本中描述了……

Sueviota tubicola, a New Species of Goby That Lives With Tubes

Sueviota tubicola may be the first described new species of goby this year, but we’re certain that it won’t be the last. Discovered in the hotbed of diversity that is Milne Bay in Papua New Guinea, this new nano goby…

埃维奥塔·阿尔吉达(Eviota Algida)是印度尼西亚中心的纳米戈比(Nano Goby)的可爱新物种

A short distance off the southeast coast of Bali, there lies a smallish island called Nusa Penida which is the discovery site for a new species of nano goby. Eviota algida joins a parade of new species to be described in…

Three new species of dwarf gobies from the Cayman Islands

A new paper recently published in the Journal of Ocean Science Foundation is a doozy of an article with an incredible wealth of information on the dwarf gobies of the Cayman Islands. The primary intent of the paper was to…

Trimma pajama and T. meranyx are two new exquisite species of deepwater nano gobies

A few new deepwater nano gobies from Indonesia have been described in a recent edition of the journal ZootaxaI that are sure to captivate you with their beauty. Here is information on two of the three new gobies described by Richard…

Trimma irinae is a gorgeous new deepwater nano goby from Papua New Guinea

Trimma irinae is a new species of deepwater nano reef goby hailing from Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea. It may not be that novel to see a new species from Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, or from the genus Trimma, but…