At Pitcairn Island, macro algae are one of the main reef builders

At Pitcairn Island in the Southern Pacific Ocean, a plethora of beautiful and unique macro algaes are well represented in myriad forms. Beautiful fleshy algaes, branching coralline and leafy brown algaes are extremely well represented according to a new survey…

Simple, low tech reef tanks can be bliss

My home office is down in the basement of our house. There are weeks where my job has me working late nights down there and at some point, I figured a little aquatic life would make my work environment more…

Marine Plants in the Aquarium is a comprehensive website on captive marine botany

When we first heard of Marine Plant Book we raced to the website to seek the details of where this book could be purchased. After poking around the website for a while, we realized that the website is the book.…

Seaweed fossils may be Earth’s oldest plants

An abundance of fossils resembling seaweed uncovered in southern China may prove to be some of the oldest plants ever discovered. Previously the earliest uncovered evidence of creatures resembling what we would consider modern organisms was dated around 580 million…

AlgaeBase a great online reference for aquarium macroalgae identification

AlgaeBase is an often overlooked resource available to hobbyists looking to identify and gain more information on macroalgae in the marine aquarium trade. Macroalgae identification can be tough once you get outside of the caulerpa and chaetomorpha varieties most common…

Aquascaping techniques, tips and thoughts

作为一个礁极客不仅仅是随意的强度rested in creating great looking aquariums, I’ve made it my personal mission over the past few years to rid the reef aquarium world of dull and mediocre aquascaping. To this…

Ideas for Replicating Nature: Appreciating a “Nuisance” Macroalgae

As a dedicated fan of  marine biotope aquariums and unique concept aquariums, I’m always trying to look at natural reefs for inspiration. I mean, if nature does it, it must be good, right? And you never know where that next…