Unique Corals unveils new Pax Bellum N12 nano chaeto reactor

The Pax Bellum Chaetomorpha reactor is one of the more interesting new products to hit the aquarium scene last year. To date most of the Chaeto-filters from Pax Bellum have been made for rather large tanks, but at ReefStock we spied…

A.R.I.D. chaetomorpha macroalgae scrubbers from Pax-Bellum

The marine aquarium hobby is always on the lookout for ever simpler and more effective ways to reduce nutrients in our tanks. The A.R.I.D. devices from Pax-Bellum are a new way to apply intensive macroalgae scrubbing to nutrient reduction, making…

SEA Aquarium has the most gigantic ball of spinning Chaetomorpha algae

It’s no secret that I am personally not a fan of the kitchen sink approach to creating a “refugium” with all the sands and cruddy algaes that usually build up there. I and we, are very much in favor of using…


“ Refugium”是一个爱好术语,可以轻松定义。这可能是因为与大多数水族馆的装备不同,包括啤酒,动力头,蛋白质撇渣器,灯光等不同,没有一个单一的,很容易识别的目的。问10个不同的业余爱好者,什么是避难所的目的,…

The Many Means of Nutrient Export in Marine Aquariums

Dissolved nutrients. Sounds like a good thing, right? After all, every organism needs nutrients in one form or another in order to grow and stay in good health. So why are marine aquarium hobbyists—particularly reefkeepers—seemingly so fixated on keeping the…


A refugium is a safe haven for algae and invertebrates in a separate tank from the main display aquarium. These organisms provide some distinct advantages to the overall health of a reef aquarium. First off, the critters breeding in the…

Blue Hypnea algae is a macroalgae worth growing for its looks

Blue Hypnea is a new macroalgae from ORA which is interesting and colorful enough to be cultured in aquarium for its own sake. Not to be confused with more purple colored Ochtodes from the Caribbean, the blue Hypnea algae is an attractive algae which…

Nano-reef user Metrokat’s display refugium is an awesome collection of macroalgae

Marcoalgae is awesome, and not only because of their nutrient removal abilities. We love macro algae for its ease of maintenance, cool growth forms and colors and we’re even more fond of macro algae displays. This display refugium of nano-reef…

AlgaGen MacroAlgae Plugs might usher new era of saltwater planted tanks


Halophila’s Seagrass tank is a prime example of simple beauty
