Tunze NanoStream 6020 and controllable 6040 introduce novel flow deflector

The Tunze Turbelle NanoStream 6020 and controllable 6040 are an interesting new twist on what a reef aquarium propeller pump can be. Instead of being directable with an articulating mount like a contemporary stream water pump, the NanoStream 6020 and…

Apex Fusion来自Beta,正好赶上Apex Controller的欧洲首次亮相

With the Apex Controller quickly becoming the default computer of reef aquariums in the U.S., the timing couldn’t be any better for the full release of the cloud-based Apex Fusion software system. The full release of Apex Fusion takes it out…

Skimz shares parameters of its new PUR ReefSalt

我们在2月份覆盖了新的Skimz Pur Reefsalt,我们缺少的是参数的关键信息之一。当我们开始为2014年Interzoo 2014报道做准备时,我们注意到Skimz发布了一些…

Triton Reef Elementz and Triton Lab water testing are a revolution in reefing chemistry

Whenever a company says their ‘Product X’ is the “best in the world”, we usually will discount their claim and move on to something less outlandish. But in the case of Triton Reef which doesn’t explicitly make that claim, having spent…

Sicce XStream Pumps coming in four sizes plus a controllable XStream-E

The Sicce Xstream is a new generation of propeller aquarium water pumps from one of our favorite pump manufacturers. The XStream Pump builds on the foundation of the Voyager pumps with top quality materials, silent operation, compact size, and sound absorbing…

MaxSpect飘渺的是中方领导lt to play nice with smartphones

The MaxSpect Ethereal LED is a crazy-awesome and interesting new LED light that will be debuting this week at InterZoo. With a clip-on form factor and an impressively sleek and stealthy design, you might have guessed that it will carry…


Thanks to tools like Dropcam, we love being able to view our aquariums when we are at work, but AutoAqua is now adding another layer making the remote viewing of your aquarium more of a game. How? When the company launches…

Skimz Monzter Mini is the smallest DC Protein Skimmer to date

Those of you with smaller aquariums looking to tap into the benefits of DC pump protein skimmers are now in luck with the upcoming Skimz Monzter Mini SN123 DC protein skimmer. The Monzter Mini has the smallest DC pump housed in a compact…

Tunze DOC Skimmer 9001 is a concentration of protein skimming

DOC Skimmer 9001是Tunze在内部海洋水族馆滤清器设备的串行系列中的最新成员,这是很小的包装。由于下周在纽伦堡德国的Interzoo 2014将于下周透露,DOC Skimmer 9001是…

Juvenile tiger angelfish lands at DeJong Marinelife, will be displayed at InterZoo

DeJong Marinelife has just teased the world with a sneaker picture of a tiny little tiger angelfish, the gem of a rare angelfish that only comes from South Africa. We’ve learned that this particular tyke of an Apolemichthys kingi was collected…