Aquavitro Division Skimmer Review – A Return to the Fundamentals of Protein Skimming

The Aquavitro Division skimmer is an exciting new product from Seachem that strives to provides an ideal balance of features for a surprising price. Right off the bat it’s clear that these new Division skimmers are not going to be…

Seachem Made a Surprisingly Good ‘Dual’ Air Silencer

Besides the needle wheel impeller, the air silencer is one of the marvels of modern protein skimmer engineering. This simple device transforms out gurgling foam fractionating devices into a quasi silent saltwater filtration machine. Air silencers deserve a lot more…

Transfer Your Freshwater Skills And Setup Your First Saltwater Aquarium

Making the switch from freshwater to a saltwater aquarium is easier than you think. If you already have the skills to maintain a freshwater aquarium you only need to familiarize yourself with a few new techniques, additives, and saltwater aquarium…

Seachem Division Skimmer Coming Soon in Three Sizes 125, 250 & 500 ‘GPD’

The Seachem Division Skimmer is a brand new hardware product category for a company that has built its brand and reputation on making aquarium chemical additives. The announcement of the new Division Protein Skimmer from Seachem comes at the same…