AngeLixir from Brightwell Aquatics the perfect food additive for spongivores

AngeLixir is a new amino acid food soak from Brightwell Marine which is specially formulated for marine angelfish and buterflyfish. Being able to provide quality food for fish that normally feed on sponges can be a tough task but Brightwell…

Roa excelsa status: one is still swimming

As we reported a while back, one of the best shops in Japan, Blue Harbor, obtained two Roa excelsa from Hawaii three weeks ago. Unfortunately, one of the butterflyfish was already dead in a plastic bag when they arrived at…

Prognathodes basabei, the Orange Margin butterflyfish pushes the limits of how deep fish are collected

After ten years since the first time this species was collected, Blue Harbor has once again obtained the ultimate deep living butterflyfish, Prognathodes basabei. This Deepwater Hawaiian endemic was originally collected in 1998 and it was known for a long…

Copperband Butterflyfish saltwater fish profile

The Copperband Butterflyfish known as Chelmon rostratus as the scientific name. This is one of the most popular among aquarists. Selecting a good specimen and offering it a varried diet are the keys to keeping it successfully. Size: Males and…