Zetlight Cam是一款简单且负担得起的无线水族馆相机



Innovative Marine has been laser focused on producing the best All in One aquarium for several years now. At Aquarama 2015 Innovative Marine announced a handful of improvements to the Skkye LED lights and Auqa Gadgets line are bound to…


在首次亮相的将近一年后,Maxspect的Ethereal LED仍未准备好进行一般性发布。Maxspect忙于处理空灵,除了使Gyre Pump恰到好处的客户提供反馈,并且…

在有前途的水上sanrise led的地方看

Sanrise是水族馆照明现场的新来者,但他们的旗舰Aqua Sanrise固定装置最近引起了很多关注。该固定装置本身确实很棒,并且具有板载和无线控制……

Skimz Monzter迷你钙反应器紧凑且精简

钙的Skimz Monzter迷你反应器很小size, but big on features and quite noticeably different from what we have seen before. It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen a truly novel calcium reactor design, and Skimz of…

最好的Aquarama 2015铁饼比赛

With Aquarama being one of the best places in the world to see the most exquisite freshwater fish of all kinds, you know we can’t go all the way to Singapore and not give the freshies a little bit of…

Aqua El开发DC版本的Inline Pump

创新的水族馆设备制造商Aqua El将很快发布其独特的内联水泵的直流版本。据我们所知,Aqua El不会单独提供他们的内联泵,在北美市场中,这是……

Qian Hu的Revoreef LED + T5照明系统确实具有很大的潜力

我们一直在渴望看到更多T5和LED照明的混合固定装置,我们很惊讶地发现自己被一家不太可能的玩家Qian Hu Corporation的灯迷住了。Qian Hu最近揭幕了Revoreef系列…

Aquarama 2015年国际竞赛的最佳


