ptank Pico Classic acrylic aquarium
pTank pico tanks are tiny flat-packed aquariums you build yourself

Everyone’s having a lot of fun with pico tanks at the moment and there are some surprisingly sophisticated “reef-ready,” models complete with tiny sump and LED lighting. But pTank’s Pico tank range stands out for one very special reason –…

Ahhhh-crylic!!! Royal Exclusiv style

Royal Exclusiv makes some fine products and we are always impressed when we get to see images of quality acrylicsmithing in action. These images are from the company’s production of the Bubble King DeLuxe 650 external modified protein skimmer rated…

DIY Marine Aquarium Chiller

Aquatic creatures, with the exception of mammals, are all cold-blooded animals. Some sharks and tuna slightly warm their blood through the movement of their muscles, but we don’t normally keep pelagic sharks or tuna in our tanks, so we don’t…

Atomic Reef is back at producing nuclear reef aquarium equipment


FistaFiltration making custom acrylic aquarium equipment for the UK

FistaFiltration has been making quality, custom acrylic products in the UK for the last five years and a prime example of how important it is to have creative, local small business for the overall health and resourcefulness in the hobby.…

DIY acrylic refugium “cube,” making more with less

Do-it-yourself (DIY) projects help many of us stretch our dollars in getting set up and continuing the hobby. Some people can make magic from a screwdriver, roll of duct tape and a 2×4 and others work their skills to the…

Aqua Reef Tech is a rare builder of acrylic tanks in the BeNeLux

The following is a guest contribution from Karl Vankersschaever, owner of Mare Nostrum and a passionate European reef aquarium hobbyist. Although very common in the US, you can hardly buy an acrylic tank in Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg (BeNeLux).…

Fine-crafted Shoei skimmers show that small Beckett skimmers are still popular in Japan

Downdraft and Beckett skimmers are still extreme foam fractioning workhorses despite the current trends toward cone and needle wheel designs hitting the market and our reefkeeping brothers and sisters in Japan are proving these smaller, finely-crafted skimmers are alive and…

Poll: Glass or Acrylic?

We were just wondering for no particular reason: which substrate for your tank do you prefer? [poll id=”2″]