Royal Exclusiv

Royal Exclusiv is Building A Rolling Fleece Filter for Dreambox 2.0 Sumps

Royal Exclusiv is hard at work on the next generation of their flagship sump, the Dreambox 2.0, and it seems like it will gain one very interesting new feature. For their next act, Royal Exclusiv will equip the Dreambox 2.0…

Bubble King Ecomax 200和250蛋白质撇油器撰写

The Bubble King Ecomax 200 & 250 is a new line of high performance protein skimemrs designed by Royal Exclusiv, exclusively for Extra Bright Lighting. The two new Bubble King Ecomax skimmers are derived from the Bubble King 200 VS13 and…

Royal Exclusiv Dreambox now with Closed Loop built-in

Reef aquarium sumps are getting nicer every year and Royal Exclusiv hasn’t been resting on their laurels. Royal Exclusiv kicked off the high performance sump arms race with their Dreambox and now you can get it with a ‘Closed Loop’…

New, extra slim Mini Bubble King 160 VS12 skimmer

新的,额外的额外的皇家皇家无泡沫王160 VS12蛋白脱脂器是一个不错的选择,如果您正在寻找泡泡王的表演而又不牺牲污水处理剂的空间。技术进步使我们更加生产力…

Royal Exclusiv announces their most powerful RD3 Speedy ever

The Red Dragon 3 Speedy 230 is one of Royal Exclusiv’s most powerful and high performing water pumps for saltwater tanks ever. For many years now, Royal Exclusiv has been making the most powerful and exciting aquarium-specific water pumps for…

Bubble King Deluxe skimmer gets upgraded for its 10 year anniversary

Royal Exclusiv has been the bleeding edge of technology, design, and craftsmanship of high end protein skimmers for a long time now, with the Bubble Kind Deluxe line being the flagship protein skimmer for the line. For ten years the Bubble…

Ahhhh-crylic!!! Royal Exclusiv style

Royal Exclusiv makes some fine products and we are always impressed when we get to see images of quality acrylicsmithing in action. These images are from the company’s production of the Bubble King DeLuxe 650 external modified protein skimmer rated…

Filter Sock Silencer from Royal Exclusiv

The Filter Sock Silencer is an ingenious new device that you may have never heard of, because before this week the thing didn’t really exist. It’s only in the last five years or so that filter socks have really hit…

These pictures of Royal Exclusiv’s 3 meter Dreambox are inspiring

We were teased by the Royal Exclusiv 3-meter Dreambox sump we posted last week and now have more images of this monster sump complete and ready to ship. Built for a 5,500-liter tank (around 1,500 US gallons), this beast of…

Royal Exclusiv is building a 3-meter-long Dreambox…and I want it!

皇家新的脑袋瓜污水坑是令人难以置信的磨破ks of art that add just as much style to the sump and maintenance portion of your aquarium as we try to achieve ‘upstairs’ in the display. When we saw this incredible 3-meter version…