How Do We Measure Success with Hard-to-Keep Marine Species?

  1. Paul Baldassano says:

    这是一个很好的提单og and as was stated, many people feel they are successful if they keep a particular fish for 2 or 3 years when in reality most fish we keep live well over 10 years and some such as clownfish, tangs, puffers and some others live over 20 years. The only fish that have a normal lifespan of 3 or 4 years are seahorses and pipefish, virtually all other fish live longer than that.
    年代o to me, success is if you can keep a fish close to it’s normal lifespan which means if someone kept a clownfish for 25 years, it’s normal lifespan is probably close to that.
    Another measure of success is if a fish is spawning or at least making spawning jestures as all fish spawn all the time. This will not apply to egg scatters like tangs as they will usually not spawn in a home aquarium but all gobies, pipefish, damsels, including clowns, and cardinals will spawn in a tank.

  2. Alex Stamb says:

    Very intresting blog.
    I am myself intrested in tank bred species/aquacultured corals,and I hope people could see that some fish are made for the ocean and not for aquariums.
    It doesnt need 10 years of experience to tell.It is obvious.
    I wish there where more tank bred species availiable in the hobby.

  3. 杰夫·库尔茨 says:

    Thanks Paul! You have an excellent point about regular spawning being a good measure of success in addition to longevity.

  4. 杰夫·库尔茨 says:

    Thanks for your kind comment and for sharing your thoughts, Alex. We’re definitely much further along with captive coral propagation than we are with the captive breeding of fish, but I think we’re moving in the right direction in that regard. More and more captive-bred species continue to hit the market with every passing year. Nonetheless, we still have a long way to go before captive-bred specimens surpass their wild-collected counterparts in the trade.

  5. Paul Baldassano says:

    Coral reef fish are not particularly hard to breed and raise, it is just so much cheaper to collect them and that is a huge problem to someone who wants to start a fish breeding business.
    You can get clownfish wholesale for five dollars, but if you had to raise one for a year to get it large enough to sell with the electricity and food costs along with the death rate, that five dollar clownfish may well be fifty dollars.

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