

  1. 布莱恩 says:

    谢谢。非常好的信息。我已经设置了一个空间的坦克很多次,但没有考虑到我家里的任何座位 /椅子都看不到它!我想做的另一件事是将坦克设置在窗户的范围内,因此我可以进行换水,然后将水放入草坪上。(为水和肥料作品,全部工作)

  2. 杰夫·库尔兹(Jeff Kurtz) says:


  3. Jeff says:

    Hi all,

    Trying to figure out the right place for a 180 reef tank. I found the perfect spot in the house but afraid of to much light. Can’t seem to be able to attach a photo but would like any feedback. I can send the picture through email if needed.





  4. 杰夫·库尔兹(Jeff Kurtz) says:

    Hi Jeff! My tank is situated in a great room with a total of 16 windows in it (as you can tell from the images in this post:http://www.saltwatersmarts.com/kessil-a360w-leds-dont-disappoint-6716/), so I too have an overabundance of light streaming in. For the most part, however, the light is indirect with only occasional “direct hits” at certain times of year, so I actually have no problems stemming from the light.

    You can always block or reduce the light penetration with curtains, sheers, or shades if necessary. Of course, you’ll want to be sure to keep dissolved nutrients low to prevent algae blooms, and if temperature becomes an issue, you may need to compensate for that with additional fans, an actual aquarium chiller, or some other form of cooling.

  5. Jeff says:

    Thank you Jeff. That helps me with the placement. I am going to have an engineer look at the floor to make sure it can hold the weight.

    Thanks again,


  6. 杰夫·库尔兹(Jeff Kurtz) says:

    Good thinking, Jeff. Keep us posted on your tank’s progress!

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