Jake Adams
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杰克·亚当斯(Jake Adams)自90年代中期以来一直是一位狂热的海洋水族馆,并且在海洋水族馆贸易的零售方面工作了十多年。He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Hanna HI97105海洋大师多参数检查器

Hanna HI97105 Marine Master多参数检查器是新的水测试设备,将礁石水族馆化学的所有主要参数结合到一台光度计机器中。Hanna的海洋大师检查器可以测量pH,碱度,钙,硝酸盐,亚硝酸盐,…

Palau Acropora开始从Biota滴入


礁石实验室 - 佛罗里达州的新ICP测试服务


I Got Stung By a Ball-Tentacle Shroom!


Looking towards the Reptile Hobby for ‘Real’ UV Light



Chemical filtration can be an important tool for maintaining water quality in a reef aquarium and these days most reefers use some sort of flow through media reactor for use with GFO, activated carbon or aluminum oxide medias. With so…

Everything We Scored While Touring 15 Shops for #LFSsaturday


RVS Fishworld收集了迄今为止最臭名昭著的富豪!


Liferock Flatz有助于使您的岩石架子紫色

LifeRock Flatz is a new shape of dry rock from CaribSea which, as its name implies, is a nice flat shaped rock useful in many aquascaping scenarios. With the rise increasing popularity of dry rock for creating reef tank rock…


英雄珊瑚,Turbinaria Heronensis是所有宝塔杯中最有趣的珊瑚之一,因为它可以表现出一系列的生长形式。有时,英雄珊瑚完全像一个细腻的邓纳司莫斯米亚一样,有时几乎是光滑的……