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杰克·亚当斯has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Top 5 New Critter & Coral Species of 2021


Top 10 New Fish Species of 2021

We’re getting down to the last few days of this year’s fabulous Blue Harbor catalog which means it’s high time we start rounding up the best news of 2021, beginning with the new fish that came to light over the…

FragEL LED is Specifically Engineered for Commercial Coral Lighting

The FragEL is a unique new LED lighting fixture with a distinctive appearance quite unlike anything we’ve seen in the aquarium world before. The unusually long 36″ FragEL inherits somewhat of a ‘wide striplight’ form factor but its fan-less construction…

Hybrid Birdnest Coral ‘Review’ : Lazy’s Blue Zing

The Lazy Blue Zing birdnest is one of the most unique corals in the history of the aquarium hobby as it is the first confirmed cross between two aquarium strains of SPS corals. The hybrid birdnest was the result of…

Korallenwächter is a new German Auto Water Tester

The Korallenwächter is a new water testing machine from Germany which is designed to automatically measure the most important parameters of reef aquarium chemistry. The company Korallenwächter, bares the same name as their machine, has been developing a new concept…

Join Us This Weekend for a Unique Reefing Event in Mexico City

One of the biggest sources for reef aquarium knowledge and information is learning from reef builders all over the world. Traveling to visit reef tanks built using different gear, different techniques, original philosophies, and unique selections of corals has always…


自从我们第一次得知RVS Fishworld的开拓者计划在巴布亚新几内亚开展业务以来,已经过去了将近三年。经过非常健康的等待,Golden Ocean Png Limited是…

巴厘岛Deepwater Acros Will Forever Be Our Favorite Exotic Corals

珊瑚fads and species hype comes and goes – Chalice corals had a nice long run, neat Favias were hot that one year, shrooms exploded onto the scene and are still going hot, and these days reefers rave over different…

Tropic Eden Pukani Rock is a Clone of the Real Thing

Tropic Eden Pukani Rock is a new marine aquarium aquascaping product with an uncanny resemblance to one of the most popular live rock locations of all time. Fiji live rock and all its forms was the quintessential source for real,…

Sympodium Grows by a Whopping Seven New Species
