Neozoanthus uchina and N. caleyi are the newest species of Zoanthid

Neozoanthus is a very little known group of zoanthids in the aquarium hobby but today we learned a little more about two new species: Neozoanthus uchina and N. caleyi. This funky genus of zoanthids was thought to be rare, it’s…

No fewer than four new species of zoanthids discovered in Florida waters

Colin Foord recently co-authored a peer-reviewed scientific paper on four new species of Zoanthids in Florida waters. The zoanthids were discovered by expeditions undertaken by Coral Morphologic and several of the new species are occasionally offered on the Caribbean livestock…

Reef aquarium time lapse video shows behavior of coral polyps

There’s nothing like a good reef aquarium time lapse video to remind us that corals are animals like us, reacting to their environment in their own way, everyday. This time lapse video of a reef aquarium shows a wide range…

Steamed Palythoas send well-informed aquarist to the emergency room, nearly to the grave

Palythoa toxin from Palythoa and Zoanthus polyps is widely known to be one of the most poisonous substances in the natural world, gram for gram. Armed with this knowledge a well-informed aquarist suited up for Palythoa removal duty from one of his aquarium rocks…

Zoanthids with forked tentacles look like mini hammer corals

When it comes to corals, Zoanthids have the capacity to do some very unusual things, including strange colors and now we have some documentation of aberrant tentacles. The forked tentacles of the Zoanthids pictured here were discovered by Nano-Reef member…

樱桃发青的魅力是一个大型的看er from Cherry Corals

The Cherry Charm Paly is a gorgeous and jumbo size palythoa with amazing coloration. Cherrie Corals started teasing this polyp strain yesterday and now their website has gone live with some WYSIWYG frags with two polyps of Cherry Charm Palys…

Blue Panama Zoanthids show up at LiveAquaria aplenty

Panama Zoanthids are the latest soon-to-be craze in the polyp collecting world. Australian and West Aussie Zoanthids are fine and all but since they are collected by westerners and shipped halfway across the world, even the mediocre colonies of Aussie…

Happy People Eater is the neatest new Zoanthid we’ve seen in a while

The Happy People Eater zoanthid from Happy Corals Inc. is a new and lovely strain of People Eater zoanthids which deserves a little air time. People-eater zoanthids of the Protopalythoa genus have always been among the most populars polyps in…

French aquarists from All Marine travel to Indonesia to film zoanthids in their natural habitat

海洋是一个逐步礁水族馆作战n in France with a special connection to some coral collection sites in Indonesia. Since several of their staff are crazy for zoanthids, on their last collecting trip they made a special effort…

Red Epizoanthus from Cortez Marine are sure to please the Azoox and NPS reefers

Red Epizoanthus are not new to the hobby, but it certainly has been a long time since we’ve seen them around. A few years ago the mainstream reefing crowd could have cared less about non-photosynthetic zoanthids but like the white…