Wild Aberrant Scopas Tang Discovered in Kenya

Aberrant Zebrasoma tangs come in many different varieties; there’s ‘koi’ scopas tangs, calico scopas, yellow scopas, piebald and white yellow tangs, but today’s spotlight falls on a very unusual piebald scopas tang. This curious specimen photographed by Dawn Goebbels in…

Update on the Mysterious ‘Zebra Tang’ from Bali Aquarich

Several weeks ago we were reported on a mysterious ‘Zebra Tang’ hybrid that came out of Mr Su farm. News from the Mysterious Zebra Tang: Last weekend we returned to Bali Aquarich to check on this fish again, and we…

Mysterious ‘Zebra Tang’ Created by Bali Aquarich

During our most recent monthly visit to Mr Su at the Bali Aquarich facility in North Bali, we were greeted by the cutest little juvenile tang we’ve ever seen. This single individual is a one of a kind fish, a…

Barcode Gem Tang Returns to Marine Collectors

Yellow tangs have piebalds, scopas tangs have koi variants, and now it seems that the highly desirable gem tang has its own variant called the Barcode gem tang. The barcode Gem tang is a special variant of the gem tang…

Black Belt Yellow Tang is a Fun Remix of the Iconic Reef Fish

The Black Belt Yellow Tang is an interesting variant of Zebrasoma flavescens that was first brought to our attention from a specimen acquired by LiveAquaria two years ago. What makes the yellow tang so supremely iconic is its stark yellow…

Our Best Look at the Captive Bred Purple Tangs

The purple tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum, is a celebrated marine aquarium fish and one of the most iconic endemic species in the Red Sea. Just a few short years after Rising Tide’s first breakthroughs with the related yellow tang, Bali Aquarich announced their…

Purple Tang Captive Bred by Bali Aquarich

The Purple tang has been captive bred and it comes to fruition from a familiar player in the world of reef fish aquaculture, Bali Aquarich. It’s only been a couple years since the breakthroughs in breeding the closely related yellow…

The ‘Keyhole Sailfin’ has a HOLE Right Through its Body!


ACI’s Purple-Tail Purple Tang was the Star of Reefapalooza Orlando!

The purple tang’s official scientifically designated name is Zebrasoma xanthurum – ‘yellow tail’ is the hallmark of this species. While tens of thousands of purple tangs have no problem following this convention, every once in a while a lone ranger decides to…

Calico Scopas Tang Among Recent Imports of Koi & Tricolor Tangs
