Wild Aberrant Scopas Tang Discovered in Kenya

Aberrant Zebrasoma tangs come in many different varieties; there’s ‘koi’ scopas tangs, calico scopas, yellow scopas, piebald and white yellow tangs, but today’s spotlight falls on a very unusual piebald scopas tang. This curious specimen photographed by Dawn Goebbels in…

A yellow Scopas Tang that’s even brighter than a Yellow Tang

The ubiquitous and staple Zebrasoma scopas (Scopas, or Brown Tang) is so variable that over the years we’ve seen aberrations and variations running the gamut from Koi types, ghost white, tricolored, dirty yellow and almost everything else in-between. While dirty…

Are Yellow and Scopas tangs more than kissing cousins?

Sometimes the best discoveries in science are happy accidents, and this year researchers at the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding uncovered some genetic data which supports ideas that hobbyists have been suspecting for years: namely, that some fishes we assumed…