Video Details the Attributes of True Weeping Willow Leather

Let’s get one thing out of the way, there are NO original Weeping Willow leather corals for sale anywhere, because I know the three people I’ve ever given frags of this coral to. However, there are countless long polyp leather coral…

Video Feature of the Original Weeping Willow Leather Coral

The Weeping Willow leather coral is one of the oldest yet least understood soft coral strains in the reef aquarium hobby. Originating at least as far back as the year 2000, this exceptional strain of Sarcophyton ehrenbergi is known for its…

The polyps of the weeping willow leather coral have gotten even longer

Earlier this year we shared with you a video of the Weeping Willow leather coral, a particular Sarcophyton species of soft coral that has been growing in aquaria since the nineties. At the beginning of the summer we began nourishing the aquarium water…

The weeping willow leather coral has impossibly long polyps

The “Weeping Willow” leather coral is an example of how unique and cool a Sarcophyton toadstool coral has to be for me to specifically grow it for more than a dozen years. I still remember the first time we saw the…