This is one of the Nicest Eclectus Jawbreaker Shrooms Ever

Eclectus, jawbreaker, Vincent’s Revenge, whatever you call it this is one of the nicest Discosoma corallimorph shrooms we’ve ever seen. Shared by Taiwan’s own VP Corals this single psychedelic polyp is really the cream of the crop for this group of…

The Ultimate ‘Rainbow Reef’ is at VP Corals in Taipei, Taiwan

The Rainbow Reef at VP Corals in Taipei Taiwan is the kind of reef tank many of us have dreamed of doing, but this is the first time we’ve ever seen anything like it in real life. This broad shallow…

There’s a Very Original Aquascape at VP Corals in Taipei, Taiwan

If there’s one reason to travel the world in search of visiting reef tanks in different country it’s to get out of our comfort zone and see what the reef world is like outside the digital echo chamber. While in…