Digital Aquatic’s new promotional video is not at all over the top

After watching this new promotional video from Digital Aquatics we’re not sure if we’re going to see a movie about a shaky deep sea space or if Digital Aquatics is promoting it’s highly expandable aquarium controller. We’ve watched some zany…

Stunning video tour of the Aquarium of the Pacific by Greg Rothschild

The video is a high definition look at some of the stunning aquarium exhibits on display at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA. Once again Greg Rothschild flexes his video muscle to show us some beloved marine…

Vortech MP10 first video hands-on comparing betas to betas

The Vortech MP10 isn’t even out yet but Reef Builders already has their hands on a pre-production Vortech MP10 and it is being put through it’s paces as we speak. The video is a hands-on look at the new miniscule…

Vortech MP10 Video

Here’s a quick look at the new diminutive Vortech MP10 propeller water pump from EcoTech Marine. The Vortech MP10 brings nearly all of the same features as it’s larger MP20 and MP40 siblings. The Vortech MP10 pushes a maximum of…

New glowing jellyfish discovered in Lake Nauru

Armchair explorers of Google maps recently discovered an unexplored patch of blue on the rogue island nation of Nauru. Researchers from Nauru International University visited the site and confirmed the existence of a freshwater lake which is filled with colorful…

New Isidella bamboo coral video

No sooner do we report on some really darn old corals that we come across this close up and intimate video of an ROV getting all up in the personal space of an Isidella bamboo coral. The video was made…

Rare Fish video collection

Here is a gratuitous, end of the week, rare fish video collection to help everyone put a good cap on the end of the week. The videos we have for you this fine friday include a true map puffer, wrought…

Neo Nano aquarium fleshed out in video

We won’t even try to hide the fact that we’ve been smitten with Deepsea Aquatic’s Neo Nano aquarium since the first time we saw one in person. What’s there not to like? The trimless and braceless construction, the zero-edge look…

Centropyge resplendens showed off in new LA Fishguys video

We are delighted to see that Fishguy extraordinaire Jim Stime of LA Fishguys has fulfilled our request for a full featured video featuring his captive raised Resplendent Pygmy Angelfish, Centropyge resplendens. The resplendent angelfish can only be found living in…

Lionfish Hunters assure us that lionfish tastes just like chicken

The Lionfish invasion of the Carribean may just now be reaching St. Croix but the voracious predator is already firmly established in the Bahamas. To deal with the growing menace in the Bahamian islands, a new organization called the Lionfish…