Reef Builders Pick: Five favorite large reef tanks

For this week’s Reef Builders Pick we’ve some serious eye candy. With five large reef tanks from all over the world including France, South Africa, Brazil, England, and Holland this line up is as international as it is amazing. Massive…

科学家们的太阳珊瑚礁是an azoox coral paradise

Mariusz Sun coral reef is one of those classic systems every serious reefer should know about. Mariusz sun coral reef is no longer in existence, and most of the photos are several years old, but reef is too worthy to…

Tubastraea faulkneri and Tubastraea coccinea – which one is which and why you should care

Tubastraea faulkneri and Tubastraea coccinea are like brothers from another mother. The two species of sun coral are similar to a point where the names are casually interchanged by hobbyist trying to identify their sun coral, but distinct to a…

Illustrated key to azooxanthellate Scleractinia is high def identification gold

An illustrated key to the genera and subgenera of the recent Azooxanthellate Scleractinia, is one of the coolest in depth LPS azoox identification keys we’ve come across. Even if you have zero interest in azoox corals, you absolutely have to check…

Tubastraea micrantha, the Black Sun, is the most majestic Azoox coral

图巴斯特拉阿微跨通常被称为黑太阳珊瑚是Azoox LPS珊瑚的一种非常酷的物种。令人惊叹的浓密生长形式,黑色和大型荧光绿色息肉确实使黑色的珊瑚像您看不到的东西一样……

Marcy’s reef is full of sweet azoox corals

At Reef builders we are huge fans of azoox reef aquariums because they are unique and quite simply they’re just hot. This neat little Japanese 170L (45 US gallons) tank is no exception. The huge variety of Tubastraea, Dendrophilia and…

Black Sun Coral, Tubastrea micrantha, found growing all over a gulf oil platform

Gulf Oil Platforms may get a little more crowded, and a little less colorful, with the discovery of non-native black sun coral, Tubastrea micrantha, in the Gulf of Mexico. Oddly enough, the only other major colonizer of gulf oil platforms…

Non-photosynthetic Reef Tank in HD

This video has been on the internet for a few years but it still gives us a look inside the world of non-photosynthetic corals that can be kept within the aquarium. If you have the time and patience then corals…