How To Use The SICCE ContrALL App To Control SICCE SDC Devices

Control your SICCE pumps with the ContrALL app. ContrALL allows you to program your premium SICCE pumps with the intuitive user interface anytime from anywhere in the world. Control any of your SICCE SDC devices directly and fully customize your…

New Smaller Syncra SDC 6.0 from Sicce

The Syncra SDC line of controllable DC water pumps are some of the most exciting, feature rich and high performing pumps available on the market today. But if there was one thing we longed for with the introduction of the…

Sicce’s Forthcoming Smart Pumps Will Have Net-Connected Features!

We’ve been super excited for the forthcoming release of the new Sicce Smart DC controllable water pumps since their introduction last year. We’re now on the cusp of the release of Sicce’s new flagship pumps and we’ve got some great…

Syncra SDC – Sicce’s brand new controllable high performance pump

The Syncra SDC is Sicce’s newest generation of high performance aquarium pump, a Smart DC (SDC) controllable water mover that improves on every aspect of the current gen Syncra pumps. Sicce, who already makes what we consider to be the only AC pump…