Elasmo Tabs Keep Your Aquarium Sharks & Rays Healthy

Elasmo Tabs are an interesting dietary supplement with such a specific purpose, that their existence is actually a learning opportunity for he uninitiated. These tablets were developed for aquarium sharks and rays by a company called Vetafarm which also provides…


There’s a lot we don’t know about so much of the marine life living in the deep ocean or in the cold polar seas, and it turns out that their age can be astonishingly ancient. It’s already well known that…



Squalus clarkae is a Small New Shark Species with Cartoon Eyes

Squalus clarkae is a new species of deepwater shark in the dogfish family recently described from specimens collected in the Gulf of Mexico. The evolutionary pressure of living in the deep sea shapes many of the sharks to be small…


Shark lovers, especially tropical shark species, will really appreciate a brand new free eBook on the Sharks & Rays of Papua New Guinea. Published by the PNG National Fisheries Authority and the Australian Government, this 300+ page digital document covers…

Stunning Baby Whale Shark Rescued And Released In India

The whale shark is the largest species of living fish (if you count sharks as a fish), and one of the most charismatic creatures in the sea. Normally, the gigantic whale shark captures the imagination for its tremendous size, but…


The Great White Shark, Carcharhinus carcharodon, is the undisputed predator of the oceans, and one of the biggest fish swimming in temperate seas. Growing up to 20 feet long, but usually 15 feet in adult females, you’ll need a very…

Free Book: Identification guide to common sharks and rays of the Caribbean

With avid curiosity for all things in our seas and oceans, we were intrigued to find this free book “Identification Guide to Common Sharks and Rays of the Caribbean” released by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United…

Catsharks have evolved fluorescence to better see each other



When an amateur drone hobbyist in Australia took his remote-controlled aircraft to the skies he didn’t expect to see this. The video shows a pod of false killer whales, a type of dolphin, chasing down a juvenile shark in crystal…