Download Cardinalfishes of the World by Rudie Kuiter for Free

Cardinalfish are a diverse and very numerous group of marine fish that doesn’t get nearly enough airtime in the reef aquarium hobby. Save for a few species like the pyjama and banggai cardinalfish, there’s more than 350 known species of…

Labridae Fishes: Wrasses by Rudie Kuiter, the ultimate wrasse book only available on demand

Labridae Fishes: Wrasses looks like the ultimate wrasse book, the Wrasse bible written by one of the masters of reef fish books Rudie Kuiter. Stacked on top of some of Rudie Kuiter’s great works is the new wrasse book which…

Giveaway: World Atlas of Marine Fishes, one book to rule them all

This is a repost of a story we first did back in fall 2008. Marine Depot would like for us to giveaway one copy of this book to remind you that they still sell this book for cheap and it…

‘Seahorses and their Relatives’ by Rudie Kuiter is the new Seahorse Bible

When veteran sealife author and photographer Rudie Kuiter puts together a book on a group of fish you can be quite assured that he will take the bar and raise up more than a few notches. The first aquarium-relevant book…

World Atlas of Marine Fauna by Rudie Kuiter and Helmut Debelius

The World Atlas of Marine Fauna is an exciting new comprehensive volume by Rudie H. Kuiter and Helmut Debelius. Those of us who have grown to love the World Atlas of Marine Fishes will have great expectations for the Marine…