Rossmont Waver Review: A New Standard of Value in Propeller Pumps

Rossmont is a new company out of Italy that has been plugging away at making a new line of propeller pumps for aquariums. For the last couple of years, Rossmont has been happy to make no-frills but very modern-level propeller…

Rossmont Waver is poised to shake up reef aquarium water flow

The Rossmont Waver has finally been revealed in full detail and you can color us impressed. The Waver is so much more than a simple ‘wavemaker’ as it looks poised to shake up the current status quo of what controllable…

Rossmont Waver AC pump controller teased in new video

The Rossmont Waver is a new device being teased beginning today by the upstart Italian company. With the Mover and Mover MX series of low-profile water pumps, Rossmont became the first new aquarium water pump company to introduce completely new…

Rossmont Mover MX pump will push more water without getting any larger

Rossmont has come up on the one year anniversary of the announcement of their unique Rossmont Mover pumps. To celebrate, Rossmont has entrusted us to reveal that a brand new range of water pumps called the Mover MX line will soon be…

Taking the Rossmont Mover pump for a spin

The Rossmont Mover is very interesting propeller water pump from the new Italian aquarium product company, Rossmont. Built from a tried and true two-bladed propeller design, the Rossmont Mover was built from the ground up with no legacy influences, and…

Rossmont Mover pumps being evaluated by Seaside Aquatics

SeaSide Aquatics has been blazing a trail in the marine aquarium hobby lately, a trail paved with the latest and greatest reef gear, most recent of which is the exciting Rossmont Mover pumps. Designed in isolation from a completely new…