Video of the yellow belly blue tang shows off this perfect veteran aquarium fish

It’s no secret that we are currently enjoying a crush on a veteran aquarium fish, the eight-inch yellow belly blue tang that we first spotted at Marine Designs in Suwanee, Georgia. The personality of this old aquarium fish and the…

Regal Blue Tang reported successfully captive bred in Taiwan

While details are sparse, news broke today of reports out of Taiwan claiming success in the captive propagation of the Hepatus Blue Tang, Paracanthurus hepatus. This species has been “rumored” to have been captive bred for many years, but historically…

Captive reared regal blue tangs return to the aquarium hobby via Sustainable Aquatics

No doubt, the regal blue tang, Paracanthurus hepatus, is one of the most popular fish for the marine and reef aquarium. This species is imported by the thousands at a size of 1-2″ but these specimens often take a long…