Top 10 Traits of a Successful Reefkeeper

As marine aquarium hobbyists, we can buy a lot of things to make our experience better and easier, but when it comes to long-term reefkeeping success, the “right stuff” doesn’t come from a store. In addition to a genuine love…

Reefkeeping is Seasonal – and You Can Reap the Rewards

It may not seem apparent, but the reef aquarium hobby is highly seasonal. Compared to the winter months, there is almost no activity in the spring and summer. The industry as a whole slows down. I think this phenomenon has…

Good at Gardening? Try Reefkeeping!

Having once worked in the nursery and landscaping business, it often occurs to me that there are a surprising number of similarities between terrestrial gardening/landscaping and reefkeeping. I would even suggest that, in some ways, reefkeeping has more in common…

Rise of medical marijuana may have consequences on LED lighting for reef aquariums

In a surprising bit of news we’re reporting that marijuana (yes the Cannabis plant) is having a direct impact on the reef aquarium hobby. The popularity of medical marijuana may be a double-edged sword in the widespread availability of new…

From revolution to evolution: a look at two hobby trends and their impact

After 30-something years in the hobby, you see a lot of trends come and go. Fads and “new” ideas show up and subsequently vanish back into the mists of time. Some of these “fads” do stick around a while, yet…