Neptune Grouper, Cephalopholis igarashiensis, House of Fins, $6K

If you didn’t know any better, a full grown Neptune Grouper could come across as more of an Anthias than a grouper. The juvenile adult may be muted in coloration but mature adults sport a hot pink body which is…

Jumbo Gem Tang splayed out in pix

You know, we’ve seen more than a handful of small gem tangs but the cost/desire ratio just hasn’t made us want one. However, now that we’ve seen these pics from a Just Rare Fish of what a full blown adult…

Reefnet releases Reef Fish ID DVD, for Caribbean fish

If you’ve been in an American dive shop in the last ten years then you have likely seen the seminal Reef Fish Identification for getting to know all of your Caribbean fish. This book is a fantastic work which is…

Reef fish, gotta breed them all!

Dear Reefbuilders readers, my name is Guin and this introductory post is to let you know a little about me and what you can expect from my contributions to ReefBuilders. I have broad interests in the hobby; my focus/interests may…

Yummy Reef Fish too tasty to leave in the ocean

As these pictures of blotchy anthias at a seafood marke can attest, no matter how beautiful a fish looks they are still very yummy to eat. And why shouldn’t they be? Humans have been eating reef fish for much longer…

Gratuitous midweek rare fish pr0n: Plectranthias pelicieri

We spotted this demi-god of a fish at the infamous Greenwich Aquaria. Although this species has been documented from only Mauritius and Southern Japanese waters, this specimen was imported from the Kingdom of Tonga. The video was taken several months…