Tanne Hoff has written one of the most Practical Guides for the Reef Aquarium

When someone first gets tarted with reef aquarium keeping, one of the first things we like to tell them is to not read anything that is written online. Not because there’s bad information here on the interwebz, but because there’s so…

The Coral Reef Aquarium by Tony Vargas is a balanced union of reference and inspiration

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again, Tony’s The Coral Reef Aquarium is the next great book of reefing, and we foresee a whole new generation of reef builders looking to this great volume for reference and inspiration.…

The Coral Reef Aquarium by Tony Vargas is the next great book of reefing

我们的好朋友托尼·巴尔加斯把“大号Taha”the finishing touches on his new book The Coral Reef Aquarium which will focus on start to finish of how to set up a slammin reef tank. Coral and Fish identification…

Das Korallenriff-Aquarium: the next great reef book from Fossa and Nilsen

Das Korallenriff-Aquarium is brand new reefing book brought to us by the legendary Svein Fossa and Alf Nilsen, authors of the seminal Modern Coral Reef Aquarium series. If you were reefing in the mid-nineties your reef upbringing was likely shaped…