The rarely seen Striking Sea Star

Despite the diversity of sea stars that abound in tropical waters, relatively few species find their way into aquariums with any regularity. One of the most interesting species—morphologically, behaviorally and evolutionarily—is also one of the most seldomly encountered: the “Striking…

Online coral shopping: is What-You-See really What-You-Get?

Many die-hard hobbyists know exactly where and when the new cool stuff comes in. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to be present physically when a new shipment is unpacked. In these cases, the internet is a great thing: lots…

Myripristis botche,知名度较低但美丽blacktip soldierfish on display during Aquarama 2013

If you think Soldierfishes are something unattractive and common, you’ll be sure to change your mind after one look at this exquisite fish that was on display at Aquarama 2013. The subadult Blacktip or Finspot Soldierfish became an instant hit during…

The illusionary Chaetodontoplus niger photographed again in waters of Japan

Chaetodontoplus niger is the phantom of the angelfish world, being predominantly colored an inky black; sans the yellow and white caudal and ventral fins respectively. This fish is very elusive and rare, and is almost never seen, or photographed until last…

B-Box Aquarium teases with a short clip of Belonoperca pylei

The whimsical and cartoonish looking Belonoperca pylei has long been regarded as a straight up unobtainable “book fish”. In the past year or two however, we’ve seen a few being slowly drip-fed into the aquarium scene. While still out of…

Raccoon and Pakistani butterflyfish hybrid blends its parent colors well

Marine fish hybrids always puzzle me up at the first glance. The pictures here show a hardly seen hybrid between Raccoon and Pakistani Butterfly, Chaetodon lunula x C. collare. Well blend the characteristics of both species together. The body of this cross…

Philippine Dartfish- One of the world best fish for nano tank

Parioglossus, is a genus of dwarf dartfish that stay small, nice, and hardy but is rarely offered in the trade. Of all 22 species being known to science, the Philippine Dartfish (Parioglossus philippinus) is the one recently shown up in…

Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 1. Beyond the shopfront.

BlueHarbor is perhaps, one of the more iconic and reputable fish stores in the East and maybe even the world – Renowned for their incredible repertoire of some of the rarest reef fishes, as well as Koji’s incredible knowledge and…

Cirrhilabrus克莱尔——第一次住的照片what could be the world’s rarest fairy wrasse

Cirrhilabrus claire is quite possibly the world’s rarest and least known fairy wrasse and holy grail is all but a plastic cup to this species. Since its discovery in 2001, there has only been two dead holotype pictures and absolutely zero…

A closer look at the gorgeous White-bar Anthias, Pseudanthias leucozonus

Pseudanthias leucozonus has been referred to as one of the most beautiful deep water anthias and for a long time, has been regarded as a japanese endemic. It’s only in recent years that we’ve been seeing sporadic appearances of these…