TMC builds its 30,000th commercial UV sterilizer


Reuniting With Two of Our Favorite Damselfish, Chrysiptera starcki & C. springeri

Damselfish get a bad wrap in saltwater and reef aquariums but for over twenty years this group of hardy colorful fish has remained one of our absolute favorites. Almost no other group is as diverse, easy to feed, and colorful…

Our Best Look at the Captive Bred Purple Tangs

The purple tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum, is a celebrated marine aquarium fish and one of the most iconic endemic species in the Red Sea. Just a few short years after Rising Tide’s first breakthroughs with the related yellow tang, Bali Aquarich announced their…

Quality Marine Makes History With Uber Rare Pitcairn Angelfish

It has been an incredible couple of weeks for rare angelfish news but nothing can top the mind blowing collection of deepwater species that Quality Marine just received from the Cook Islands. Those of you up to date on your…

Captive Bred Flame Angelfish Resurface After Five Year Absence

Captive bred flame angelfish are not new, but it’s been so long since their last sighting that you may have forgotten that they are even a thing. It’s been over five years since we first learned of the existence of these…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Paracheilinus attenuatus, the diamond tail flasher wrasse

The Diamond Tail Flasher wrasse, Paracheilinus attenuatus, is one of the most attractive yet lesser known species of wrasses from the Indian Ocean. We’ve given a lot of attention to Fairy Wrasses of the Cirrhilabrus genus this year, but we still have…

Unseen Corals: Orange Lobactis scutaria sighted at Quality Marine

Orange is one of the most highly sought-after coral colors for the aquarium hobby, we collectively freak out when any type of coral is discovered in orange garb. We’ve featured so many different orange coral ‘firsts’ over the years, including…

The elusive Ogilbyina salvati appears at Quality Marine

Ogilbyina is a genus of dotty backs endemics to the Australian-Melanesian subregions of Oceania. The genus is easily diagnosed by having a triangular patch of teeth on their vomer, as well as having a more anteriorly placed dorsal fin. The…

Biota Marine’s Cultured clown triggerfish already shipping from Quality Marine

There’s been quite a frenzy of captive bred fish in the marine aquarium world lately, but the new cultured clown triggerfish from Biota Marine in Palau are an exciting new group of fish altogether. Frank Baensch has raised crosshatch triggerfish…

Cirrhilabrus claire trio was invited to America by Quality Marine

Cirrhilabrus claire is one of our all time favorite species of fairy wrasses and lucky for us, it seems like this year might be be a fruitful one for this incredible and exciting fish from the South Pacific. Two years…