Orange Starry Puffer is a Remarkable and Gorgeous Oddity

An orange pufferfish was recently collected in Western Australia by Oceans Reefs Marine Aquariums (ORMA) and it’s quite an unusual specimen. What makes the orange pufferfish so special is that it’s not the usual puffer species we see displaying this…

The Blue Pufferfish Is Even More Colorful When Small

A Blue Pufferfish might seem like a mythical creature but there is in fact at least one real fish which lays claim to the name. The pelagic porcupine puffer, Diodon hystrix, is a mysterious fish that is a gorgeous steely blue…


We knew that dolphins, the hippies of the sea, couldn’t be trusted to be good citizens of the ocean. A recent BBC documentary used specially designed underwater cameras disguised as sea life to spy on pods of dolphins and what…

Underwater crop circles from Japan are an amazing form of biological art

Underwater crop circles are no different from above-ground crop circles – they’re both beautiful, captivating and they both have perfectly good rational explanations for their origins. Whereas the traditional crop circles observed in fields of crops are produced by nefarious…

Pufferfish chasing a laser pointer shows there’s more to fish than just swimming and eating

[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″][/youtube] People often associate pet fish to be nowhere near as responsive as a puppy or a kitten or any other mammal for instance. The video above of a really cute and endearing pufferfish chasing a laser pointer…

Blue Pelagic Porcupine puffer, Diodon eydouxii, shows up at Absolutely Fish

The striking blue juvenile pelagic porcupinefish above was recently acquired by Absolutely Fish in a shipment from Bali. The pelagic porcupine fish is not a an aquarium fish you hear about everyday, precisely because they are more ocean going than…