Aquarium des Lagons in New Caledonia is a World Class Marinelife Exhibit

Public aquariums are a staple of many countries and some larger cities may even have more than one, but when we heard that the tiny island nation of New Caledonia had an aquarium we went in with very modest expectations.…

Women of the Water: Inspiring the Next Generation – Join Piscine Energetic For A Live Video Series

When public aquariums were forced to close their doors Piscine Energetics answered the call organizing a weekly private zoom chat called Quarantining with Curators. These zoom chats were exclusive for public aquarium curators and staff, however, for the next two…

The Quest to Create an Enormous School of Golden Sweepers

Aquamarine Fukushima, Japan, 2008: While doing a pre-tour before the Shanghai 7th IAC (International Aquarium Congress), we discovered a fascinating biotope aquarium, in which a school of several thousand of golden sweepers were swimming. Ten years and a tsunami later,…

Marineland Antibes Successfully Rears Spotfin Anthias

The Antibes Marineland scored another captive breeding success, successfully raising the common and popular Pseudanthias squamipinnis, also known as the spotfin anthias. This achievement wasn’t the first time that the spotfin anthias was successfully raised, the Long Island Aquarium raised…

France’s Marineland Has Rare Captive Breeding of Gramma Dejongi

It appears that Gramma dejongi, once a very inaccessible reef fish is about to become a lot more common fish in the reef aquarium world. Right after Biota showed their first captive bred G. dejongi, a French Public Aquarium called Marineland…

France’s Marineland Has Rare Captive Breeding of Coral Shrimpfish

As we approach the opening of MACNA 2019 which this year is dedicated to Aquaculture, there appears to be lots of news and announcement about new captive breeding successes. The Antibes Marineland located in South of France, has a long history…

Sad to hear public aquarium touted as “America’s Worst Aquarium”

After years in this hobby, we know not all fish stores are great and not all aquariums are awesome, but it still breaks our reefing hearts to hear about a place referred to as “America’s Worst Aquarium” by a writer…

Orphek releases new Amazonas line aimed at public aquariums

The new line of Orphek Amazonas LED lights are aimed at replacing metal halides in public and large-scale aquariums. Using the same multi-LED chipset as the Orphek Kaspian, the new Orphek Amazonas eliminated the white LEDs using a wide range…

This Huge Soft Coral Reef Tank in Taiwan is Incredible!

The National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium in Pingtung Taiwan is fulled with lots of great coral reef science, and some incredible saltwater aquariums. One of these has to rank among one of the most impressive soft coral displays…

A Voyage Through The Pacific – The Seattle Aquarium

We have a confession to make: We love public aquariums and we have a goal to visit as many as we possibly can throughout our travels. We recently stopped by the Seattle Aquarium and had an incredible afternoon viewing some…