Two Crazy Piebald Scopas Tang Join The World Wide Corals Family

Aberrant, tricolor and piebald scopas tangs are among the most highly coveted exotic reef fish. World Wide Corals definitely help the movement along with their world-famous white tang Casper, and now they’ve added a couple more gems to their Zebrasoma family. …

Cooper the sterling Siganus is the new Silver Fox in town

Move aside Casper. Cooper’s the new silver fox in town and he’s giving the real Anderson Cooper a run for his money. Off-coloured piebald aberrations are uncommon, but can be seen from time to time especially in certain genera of fish.…

Mysterious “Koi aberrants” are not exclusive to the Zebrasoma and Centropyge genera

Over the years we’ve featured a myriad of “koi” aberrations, which mostly seem to inflict large fully grown adults of the surgeonfish genus Zebrasoma, as well as the dwarf angel genus Centropyge. While not always aesthetically pleasing, from a genetic…

Piebald purple tang is grotesquely awesome

This piebald purple tang is probably the worst picture quality we’re willing to post, but we’re using it anyway since the piebald purple tang subject matter is so extraordinary. As Yikai was quick to point, this is NOT a purple…