Techniques for Maintaining Calcium and Alkalinity in Reef Tanks

Calcium and alkalinity are vitally important chemical parameters in reef aquariums. They are used by stony corals to build their calcium carbonate skeletons. A lack of calcium and alkalinity in the water will inhibit the growth of reef-building corals and…

Putting Aquarium Water Parameters to the Test

It’s crucial to keep tabs on several key aspects of water chemistry if you want to succeed with a saltwater aquarium. That means you’ll have to develop the habit of testing certain parameters on a routine basis. But that doesn’t…

AquaSpec aquarium testing computer a high-tech approach to testing water parameters

AquaSpec is an interesting high-tech gadget to get some seriously accurate and reliable measurement on your aquariums parameters. The AquaSpec computer may look like something made for professionals, the goal was to create an accurate and approachable device for the…

Reef Fanatic’s new PH pen wants to be in your hands

While most of you already have some sort of PH monitoring device, most likely a PH probe inline with a controller, this new Reef Fanatic PH pen could be a great addition to your arsenal of saltwater products. Off the…

Lamotte Tracer Pocket tester 1766, does everything including your kitchen sink

I’m sitting here looking at my handheld pocket TDS meter and then looking at this new product from Lamotte, and I need to be really honest. I want this new Lamotte pocket tester. Having a handheld pocket meter that “just”…