We Finally Know What an Adult Venusta Multibar Hybrid Looks Like

The hybrid of multibar and venusta angelfish is the only one known from the Paracentropyge genus and it is also one of the rarest, and most highly sought after. On average, only one specimen is discovered in the Philippines roughly…

Venustus Angelfish Successfully Captive Bred by Bali Aquarich

巴厘岛Aquarich is firing on all cylinders with the second announcement of a new captive breeding breakthrough in about as many weeks. Fresh off the heels of the world’s first captive bred purple tangs – only the second Zebrasoma to…

Rare Hybrid Multibar X Venusta Angelfish Collected by RVS Fishworld

Of all the hybrid angelfish sought out by exotic fish fanatics, the cross between the multibar and venusta angelfish is one of the rarest. Where Tigerpyge angelfish have become semi-‘common’ with a few dozens specimens being collected every year, the…

High-yellow Venustus angelfish looks great in high frame rate video

Thanks to this lovely, lengthy study on the variations of Paracentropyge venusta, we know that there is an interesting degree of variation of color in the purple masked angelfish. The video we are sharing with you today is a quickie…

Variations and forms of Paracentropyge venusta

Paracentropyge is a small genus with three species. Over the years, the placement of P. venusta as well as P. multifasciata have been in rather constant shuffle, moving back and forth between this as well as Centropyge. Allen and Erdmann’s…

Rare fish alert: The original hybrid Paracentropyge, and BlueHarbor unleashes teaser clips

It has been just less than a month ago when we broadcasted about the newest Paracentropyge hybrid to hit the scenes. Well we hope that’s still fresh in your minds, as BlueHarbor has just uploaded a video of the “original”…