We Finally Know What an Adult Venusta Multibar Hybrid Looks Like

multibar venusta神仙鱼是th的混合e only one known from the Paracentropyge genus and it is also one of the rarest, and most highly sought after. On average, only one specimen is discovered in the Philippines roughly…

Ghostly Multibar Angelfish is a One of a Kind Mutation

The multibar angelfish has one of the most conservative color patterns of any pygmy angelfish, which is what makes the recent discovery of an aberrant specimen incredibly special. This ghostly white Paracentropyge multifasciata collected by Java Ornamental Fish is part of…

巴厘岛Aquarich Teases a Fresh Crop of New Captive Bred Angelfish

Mr. Su and his team at Bali Aquarich are at it again with a fresh new crop of captive bred angelfish. They only recently started shipping those gorgeous captive bred clarion angelfish babies and now we have a few more…

Spotted Multibar Angelfish channels its inner Snow Leopard

A spotted multibar angelfish has been collected which could be one of the most sensational aberrant angelfish we’ve ever seen. Besides the very rare hybrid multibar angelfish specimen, this species is very consistent in its pattern, but we could never…

Rare fish alert: The original hybrid Paracentropyge, and BlueHarbor unleashes teaser clips

It has been just less than a month ago when we broadcasted about the newest Paracentropyge hybrid to hit the scenes. Well we hope that’s still fresh in your minds, as BlueHarbor has just uploaded a video of the “original”…

Marshallese multibar angelfish is the healthiest Paracentropyge we’ve seen

The multibarred angelfish (Paracentropyge multifasciata) is a stunning and widely offered little angelfish that captivates the hearts of seasoned and amateur aquarists. This little heartbreaker is sadly, not easy to keep and often refuse to eat and waste away due to…

Paracentropyge multifasciatus x P. venustus hybrid is just dead drop gorgeous

This Paracentropyge multifasciatus x Paracentropyge venustus hybrid is one of those rare fish that should get even people not into rare fish crave extremely excited. It is really just a stunning beauty of nature. The pictures alone of which might…

Small multibar angelfish from Marshall Islands is the cutest pomacanthid we’ve ever seen

If there’s any reef fish cuter than a tiny multibar angelfish then we haven’t seen it. Paracentropyge multifasciata is a fish with which we’ve been smitten since beginning in the hobby not only for its own bold color pattern but…