Adopt a Coral Reef is a great gift idea

Looking for a selfless gift for someone this holiday season? The Nature Conservatory “Adopt a Coral Reef” program is a great way to help protect coral reefs and put a smile on someone’s face. The Adopt a Coral Reef program raises…

Stopping To Smell The Orchids: A Day With The Exotic Animals of Adventure Park PNG

I’ve been accused of having a ‘one track mind’, especially when it comes to corals and diving in far flung countries. That’s 99% true, most of the time I just want to know how everything pertains to the coral reefs we…


Also when I told the locals about how many Acropora lokani were sighted on deeper reefs beginning around 60 feet, apparently everyone in the fisheries department knew this guy Paul Lokan after whom this coral is named. So it was…

Unseen Corals – The Forbidden Beauty of Distichopora

Distichopora is such a beautiful animal, it’s a pity that we still haven’t cracked its captive care in home aquariums. Whether that’s due to this ‘coral’ not being a coral at all, or the fact that it’s non-photosynthetic probably has…

Sueviota tubicola, a New Species of Goby That Lives With Tubes

Sueviota tubicola may be the first described new species of goby this year, but we’re certain that it won’t be the last. Discovered in the hotbed of diversity that is Milne Bay in Papua New Guinea, this new nano goby…

Lubricogobius tunicatus Is A Wonderful New Species Of Slippery Goby

Lubricogobius tunicatus is the newest species to join this fascinating group of slippery gobies. The Tunicate Slippery Goby was discovered in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea, adding to the long list of species that continue to be discovered in this biodiverse…

The cutest new species of slippery goby, Lubricogobius nanus

It’s been a hot minute since we saw some new species of reef fish being described and so this next new species from Papua New Guinea is here to make sure we don’t go without. Lubricogobius nanus is a small species…

巴布新几内亚n endemics on display by Paradise Aquariums at Aquarama 2015

Aquarama is a fish and accessories exhibition held biennially in Singapore, where exhibitors, exporters, industry authorities and hobbyists gather for a glimpse of the aquarium happenings in South-East Asia. Although Aquarama is mostly geared towards freshwater fish and their corresponding ribbon ponies, it…

PNG’s Pictichromis aurifrons from Milne Bay show a gradient of color patterns

Dottybacks are some of the quintessential reef fish; they are small, hardy, come in a myriad of colors and they are both readily available and affordable to aquarists. The other feature of dottybacks is how amenable they have been to captive…

Stunning new species of Trimma dwarf gobies described from Papua New Guinea

There’s a fresh new crop of newly described species of Trimma dwarf gobies from Papua New Guinea and several of them are quite the lookers. The four new species described by Gerald Allen include Trimma abyssum, T. nauagium, T. chledophilum and T. multiclitellum. As you…