Fish farts or nightly migration could be causing the ocean to hum

For years scientist have been puzzled by a humming sound thousands of feet below the surface of the Pacific Ocean. The humming was first noticed when scientists dropped hydrophones in the Ocean to study the songs of migrating humpback whales,…

Xanthic Eibl’s Angelfish is a cleverly disguised impostor of the stunning Tigerpyge hybrid.

Crosses between Centropyge flavissima and Centropyge eibli so spectacular and are simply one of the most beautifully created natural hybrids that a nickname has been coined just for them – Tigerpyge. The tigerpyges are usually collected in the Indian Ocean where…

Surfer captures Great White Shark on camera off Southern California coast

[vimeo width=”600″ height=”450″][/vimeo] The mighty Great White Shark conjures up some pretty scary images in the mind just being on dry land and is something many of us wouldn’t want to face in the ocean. One Southern California surfer saw…