Rubber Reefs? Rubber algae helping restore reefs in Med

Rubber synthetic algae that mimics coralline algae is being used to help create an artificial reef to help aid in reef restoration in the Mediterranean. By installing small rubber-like structures the team hopes to mimic Ellisolandia elongata and the way it moves,…

Corals In New Caledonia Are Adapting To Future Ocean Conditions

Coral reefs around the world are suffering from the climate change, and as the oceans continue to warm and acidify the outlook isn’t pretty for our beloved corals. But researchers in New Caledonia have made an important discovery. The team…

Florida reefs are dissolving away faster, earlier than expected

Ocean acidification is much worse than imagined, as the limestone structure that forms the foundation of Florida’s coral reefs are actually dissolving dissolving away sooner than ever expected. According to a new study published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, research showed the upper…

Acidic oceans, not warmer oceans are making it harder for baby corals to survive

我们都听过这个故事,世界海洋是become more acidic which is bad news for corals. A new study published Friday in the journal Science Advances suggests that ocean acidification may be affecting the growth rates of baby…

Is global warming creating zombie fish?

It almost sounds like a premise for the next SyFy movie, as timid fish go from prey to predators. A recent report has found ocean acidification is changing the behavior of some fish on a remote South Pacific reef as some fish…

Friday Smorgasbord: World’s largest DSB gets studied and more

It has been a while since we rolled out a Friday Smorgasbord but we are cranking up the engine again! As hobbyists we’ve known about the miracles we find in sand beds that have sparked debates, trends and people hoarding…

XPRIZE sets its sight below the ocean

There were commercial space flights, more efficient cars, moon rovers and now the latest XPRIZE competition is targeting ocean health. Researchers and entrepreneurs are challenged by a $2 million prize and the goal to develop accurate and affordable ocean pH sensors.…

Friday Smorgasbord: Coralbots, shark-stalking robots and a tongue-eating louse

We all made it through the first month of spring and have another fun edition of the Friday Smorgasbord to set your weekend off in a fun, entertaining way. First off, we have to say we do have a thing…

Acidic oceans can be causing “deafness” in fish

We know that acidic conditions can cause damage to sensitive corals on our reefs but a recent study on clownfish has shown that increased acidity in water can cause them to lose their hearing. The study used sounds of predators to see if the…

Clownfish, staghorn coral among species on climate change “flagship” list

Clownfish and staghorn coral are among 10 species identified as those hardest hit from climate change due to increased CO2 emissions and ocean acidification by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) at the UN Climate…