New Era formally announces extra small 1mm pellet size for their popular fish food

New Era formally showcased a new smaller 1mm pellet size fish food, dubbed ‘XS’. While we previewed Reefapalooza earlier this year, it was released to the mainstream officially at Interzoo 2014. The smaller 1mm size makes it a good fit for smaller…

New Era Aegis flake and pellet fish food

Aegis Flakes and Aegis pellets are two new foods from UK based New Era. These foods use the same formula but use two different delivery methods including the pellet and flake form. Flake foods have a bad rap in the…

New Era Food Enrichment additives spotted

New Era Food Enrichment additives are a new line of products made to nutritionally enhance live, frozen and dry food regimens. We were sent a few images of the New Era Live Food Enrichment and the New Era Marine Frozen Food…

New Era Phosphate Remover signals that the food manufacturer is branching out

It looks New Era is branching outside of the food realm with the New Era Phosphate Remover that was spied at Aquariya 2012, a trade show in Dubai. We have been impressed with the company’s food lines and are wondering…

New Era Mini Marine Grazer video demo

New Era has some great food products and the company’s latest offering New Era Mini Marine Grazer rings are highlighted in a couple of videos that might be helpful for reefers on the fence. Anyone with a few hearty herbivores…

New Era MINI MarineGrazer an easy way to keep your fish fed all day

New Era has a new product for your marine grazing fish. The new MINI MarineGrazer is a wheel-shaped disc that get affixed to your aquarium glass with a suction cup creating a feeding station for your fish to snack all…

Fish food news from Fauna Marin, Elos and New Era Aquaculture

We’re not sure what has prompted a slew of aquarium food manufacturers to out their respective feedings strategies and guides all at once, but to quote Bulk Reef Supply on fish food manufacturer’s marketing: “most reefers tend to ignore it,…


New Era Grazing Diet is a new concept in feeding the reef fish which normally graze a little bit of greens all throughout the day. In the aquarium, the cows of the sea like Surgeonfish, tangs, parrotfish, angelfish and many…