Is this the ‘True’ Montipora capricornis?

For so many years, we thought we saw Montipora capricornis everywhere. So many people were use that name for just any about any cup-shaped or plating Monti including M. foliosa, M. florida or M. aequituberculata was labelled a ‘Monti Cap’.…

How To Grow The Most INTENSE Purple Rim Monti Cap

The purple rim Leng Sy cap is one of the most desirable and recognizable coral strains in the hobby of SPS reef keeping. Like zebra plecos and peppermint angelfish, images of the purple rim cap have been plastered on the…

My Favorite Corals: Vintage Montipora – Green Branching Cap & Leng Sy Cap

In the annals of reef aquarium history, there are two strains which really kicked off the whole concept of ‘limited edition’ corals – the green branching cap and the Leng Sy cap. These two strains of Montipora have been grown in…