IceCap Gyre Controller Box teased online

冰盖环流控制器box is being teased out online and will allow you to control your Maxspect Gyre with most of the well-known controllers on the market today. If you own a MaxSPect Gyre XF150 or XF130 and were…

Maxspect Gyre XF130 coming soon

The Maxspect Gyre has made quite a commotion in the water moving department recently and for those of you wanting to get your gyre on but want something smaller, check out the upcoming Maxspect Gyre XF130. The original Maxspect Gyre…

Gyre Flow: What a difference ten years can make

The year is 2003 and I was just starting to delve into the first year of real marine science courses like ecology, oceanography, and fluid dynamics. At that time I’d already been keeping marine aquariums for 8 years and i was…