Newly discovered glowing jellyfish is eerily stunning

NOAA’s Okeanos Explorer is exploring the Mariana Trench and has uncovered some pretty amazing new creatures including this eerily stunning jellyfish that could easily be inspiration for a scifi film. The video was captured on April 24 of the unknown…

Giant amphipods and a ghostly snailfish from the deepest parts of the ocean

In our aquariums we often like to culture a diverse culture of ‘Pods’ including amphipods, copepods and ostracods but our tanks would look wildly different if we were aiming for an authentically deep sea refugium. Take for example these giant…

Giant amoeba discovered in Mariana Trench

The creatures from the deep sounds like a haunting Halloween movie plot but it is the reality scientists discovered. Using custom-built cameras, researchers recently found four-inch-long, gigantic amoebas in the Mariana Trench — the deepest part of the ocean.